Paying Fines & Pre-payable Citations
Certain traffic and non-traffic offenses are prepayable.
Please review the Virginia Beach Courts cell phone policy.
Read MoreCertain traffic and non-traffic offenses are prepayable.
A complete list of the offenses that may be prepaid, whether a State Code or City Code violation, are listed under "Related Documents". If your case is tried before a judge, the judge may impose a fine other than the fines listed.
Certain traffic and non-traffic offenses are pre-payable. A complete list of the offenses that may be prepaid, whether a State Code violation or a City Code violation, are included in the:
There is a prepared uniform fine schedule for certain pre-payable offenses, which is under related links. This schedule includes the fine and the State and/or City Code section for those offenses most often prepaid.
NOTE: If your case is tried before a judge, the judge may impose a fine other than the fine listed in the schedules.
To prepay a fine, which waives the court hearing and enters a plea of guilty, you must prepay the fines and costs. The prepayment must be filed and the fines received by the General District Court's Accounting Office, no later than the last business day prior to the court date stated on your summons.
To ensure your payment is processed effectively:
Note: Prepayment by phone or online will be considered an admission of guilt and a waiver of your hearing. If payment is made over the phone or online, a copy of the summons and a signed waiver of trial are not required.
How to calculate the total amount due for a pre-payable offense:
* If you prepay more than one offense arising out of the same incident (same officer, at the same time), add only one processing fee.
* If you have more than one separate code number listed on your summons, please contact us for your pre-payable amount at 757-385-8470 or 757-385-8619.
The Accounting Division is located on the first floor of Building 10.
If your fines are 91 days past your court date or due date, you must contact the collection agency at the Virginia Beach City Treasurer's office. Their address is 2401 Courthouse Dr., Virginia Beach VA 23456.
If you failed to appear in our court and have not received a bill from us, please contact us through the Court Line at 757-385-8531 option 1 or 757-385-8470.
If you have already signed a petition and order for deferred payment of fine and cost but need more time, please contact us through the court line 757-385-8531 option one or 757-385-8470.
If you have not signed a deferred payment of fine and cost you must appear in person at the Accounting Division to request and sign for the extension on your due date. There is a $10 additional fee for this extension.
If you wish to pay by credit card (Master Card, Visa, American Express, and Discover are accepted), please contact us through the court line at 757-385-8531 option one or 757-385-8470.
Make checks payable to Virginia Beach General District Court.